Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Paris, Texas and Kurrajong Heights

Who could forget Wim Wenders masterpiece Paris, Texas? Barren landscape of American Southwest. How desert background helps shaping characters and drama where each scene becomes a beautiful photograph on its own right.

Compare that to Sydney, Australia where I live, where green dominates landscapes.

The problem with green background painted by vegetation is its tendency to camouflage your subject as this photograph clearly shows. You need to work out other ways to strengthen your subject's image. In this picture I used sky and lighter grass to break darker backdrop of foliage. The red truck of past comes to rescue as it draws our attention like a magnet along with the monstrous log. I must admit midday sun was hostile, casting brutal shadows. Should I waited until late afternoon, there would have been more light on the truck and on the log. Alas photography is not about excuses, it is about using what you have at that moment.

New lens testing

 I asked ChatGPT4o this question: How do I test the new lens against manufacturing faults? Suggest practical methods I can try.  ChatGPT4o a...