Thursday, January 31, 2019

In the jungle

© 2019, Ergun Çoruh, All Rights Reserved. ISO 100, f/2.5, 1/500 s, -1.0 EV
Internet is full of debates on which focal length is better for street photography. I think technical properties or limitations of cameras and lenses should not limit creative possibilities, they are not necessarily constraints on the type of photography you want to achieve. True there may be cases when you may need to compromise. But it is your skill, hard-work and creative vision are what matter most.  

This picture is a 50 mm crop of lower part of a 28 mm photograph. It has vertical aspect. Because the camera was tilted to capture the whole of white high rise building at the back, we have a rather amplified perspective distortion added to wide angle distortion.  

In this photograph though, amplified distortion and crop worked to my advantage. The picture shows it was taken in modern times, but it also shows how the CBD of Sydney was developed in almost a fast motion picture, how buildings spurred like mushrooms in every space and in every direction they could be built. It would be very hard to achieve the same effect with a narrow angle lens.

Goodbye Adobe, hello Affinity

The time has come to say goodbye to Adobe.  But first, I spent the month of May 2024 for camera and lens research.  In the end I decided the...