Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why do we live?

Why do we live?

Photography became my passion in the past 3 years.

I started Street Photography with Ricoh GR II.

Ricoh GR is a great camera with huge cult following.  I have learned fundamentals of photography with it and I owe it for keeping my passion alive. Ricoh GR delighted me so many times and in so many surprising ways that I still cherish the experience.

But time has come to grow. 

I needed better dynamic range, faster auto-focus, simpler ergonomics, and better low light performance. I needed a more responsive camera with great build quality. 

Good bye Ricoh GR II.

Welcome Leica Q-P.

If you follow this blog, from this point on you will only see Leica Q-P related material.

I will share pictures taken by Leica Q-P, a short documentary behind each picture if it makes sense so and a photographic experience retrospective. 

I believe every picture should speak itself and tell a meaningful story. A good picture does not have to be explained. 

I will be documenting photographic experience to reinforce my own learning, so that I can grow my skills effectively. 

Hopefully you find something inspiring in this journey too.

Thanks for staying with me.

How to kill your darlings

In your Photography venture, you may have dedicated a "maybe" bucket where you dump photos that you think may be ok. These are mos...