Saturday, January 2, 2021

Push your comfort zone

 I took this picture on the second day of January 2021. 

This year we had a cooler and rainier December in Sydney. It rained almost daily.

Drizzled days provide opportunities to capture deep landscape pictures. Clouds and uniform mist in the air create an infinitely deep natural light filter by forming a fine smooth fog all the way to the horizon.

Leica Q-P’s excellent Summilux f1.7 lens captures every bit of light with great precision in DNG mode. All you are left to do is to apply minor Lightroom magic 🪄 to expose the depth of field and spread the tones on the histogram.

My Leica Q-P is not weather protected, but it can tolerate occasional drizzle. Thanks to Semra holding the big umbrella I could take interesting landscape pictures on this rainy day.  

💡Tip of the day: keep a decent size dry e-cloth in your bag handy. Dry your camera immediately in case it is exposed to water.

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