Sunday, April 5, 2020

Corona Diaries - Suburbia

Our lives turned upside down.

Covid-19 epidemic is teaching us lessons everywhere.

We went back to habits we had almost forgotten. Cooking at home, saving for harder days, reading books, solidarity with neighbours, scarcity of goods to name the few. Teenagers are at home spending time with parents. Grandparents became part of the family again helping their children. It is weird.

We live in a leafy suburb. Before the outbreak I often complained about how boring our life in suburbia was, how we should move to more lively areas around the city. This view has changed completely since the outbreak started. 

There is much needed low population density in suburbia. You can freely walk in leafy streets without too many people around you despite many people started to work from home. People are considerate about social distancing rules, they change pavement or move to the kerb when they see others coming.

The air is clean, the nature is blossoming thanks to a very warm Autumn here in Downunder. We started to notice nature and make the most of it in our daily walks for exercise.

These pictures were taken with a Leica Q2 during our walk in Pymble, on Sunday, 5 April 2020. 

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