Monday, February 17, 2020

Exposure Blending in PS and LR

Exposure blending is the process of blending best exposed parts of two images.

  • In LR select overexposed (light-sky) and underexposed (dark-building) versions of two images. 
  • Right click "Edit In/Open as Layers in Photoshop"
  • Drag light-sky image to the top so that the dark-building image remains at the bottom.
  • Select overexposed-sky image
  • Click inside RGB thumbnail to make initial selection
  • Continuously click Shift/Option/Command to refine selection (to make it more distinct)
  • Continue until only overexposed sky is selected.

How to kill your darlings

In your Photography venture, you may have dedicated a "maybe" bucket where you dump photos that you think may be ok. These are mos...