Saturday, June 25, 2016


This mural is in Chalmers Street itself from the start of the Devonshire Street Tunnel down to Eddy Avenue which runs along the front of Central Railway station. The mural celebrates the 150th anniversary of the railways in NSW, 1855 to 2005.

I was getting ready to take a picture of the mural, looking at my view finder. I noticed someone was moving through. Without much thinking before he disappeared I pressed the shutter button.

My snap distance was set to 2m. The man was much closer. I knew he wouldn’t look sharp. But then that slight blur gave the whole composition authenticity and movement.

The man with his working class face created a drama against backdrop of ghosts, workers long dead, his ancestors looking at him.

Goodbye Adobe, hello Affinity

The time has come to say goodbye to Adobe.  But first, I spent the month of May 2024 for camera and lens research.  In the end I decided the...