Saturday, May 4, 2019

Natural light

Instagram gave way to a culture of artificial light and artificial color. Popular opinion skews to everything bright. Pictures are bastardised, heavily edited with brighter colors and shadow effects. They become cartoonish representations of nature. They don't look real, they lack originality. They are boring. They are awful.

I do however love original light. Ultimately what I want in my pictures is they must look real. 

Take above picture for instance. Straight from the lens. The scene looked exactly like this when I shot it. The colors were like that. The light was like that. My signature is hardly a signature, I like capturing what I see, not necessarily what other people like to see. 

All I had to decide was whether the timing was right for the best light and whether it was worthy to take it. I felt the urge to take it because this particular scene and time of the day reminded me 19th century impressionist paintings. Dim yellow lights and silhouettes strolling in a premonade have Parisian character. There is drama. There is melancholia. There is heavy hearted Art in it. It is real and it has feelings. Therefore it is worthy to take and worthy to look at. 

How to kill your darlings

In your Photography venture, you may have dedicated a "maybe" bucket where you dump photos that you think may be ok. These are mos...