Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Anzac Day - 2019

Soldiers are humans, they are real. 

They fight on fake identities, be it religion or nation. 

That is the tragedy of war, a real human killing another real human. 

When looked at this way, war becomes utterly absurd. 

As they were dying I don't think they wanted to be remembered as soldiers who sacrificed their lives for us to have peace. 

That would be no more than our delusional thinking to comfort ourselves. 

No, that is not what they were thinking when choking on blood. 

They would want us to remember they died needlessly. 

They would want us to value peace and understand the true meaning of it.           

How to kill your darlings

In your Photography venture, you may have dedicated a "maybe" bucket where you dump photos that you think may be ok. These are mos...